Uniting Our Care Homes at Christmas

At Each Other Care, we are always looking for care home wellbeing activities and opportunities to bring our shared home communities together, supporting the wellbeing of our residents through shared experiences and person-centred care. Our recent Christmas Tree Decoration Competition was a wonderful example of this, bringing joy and creativity to our homes across the UK.

Hard at work!

 Residents from across our 11 homes, as far north as Benholm Care Home in Forfar Scotland right the way down to Ladyville Lodge Care Home in Essex, all took part in this brilliant care home health and wellness initiative. Each home was tasked with decorating a tree with handmade ornaments, each one reflecting the wonderful personalities in our homes, with handmade angels, wooden ornaments and popcorn tinsel. At Highfield Hall Care Home in Haslingden, residents went all out to create a magical snow scene complete with cardboard houses, santas sleigh and workshop. This is not only a great example of us living our values of creating relationships, being positive and light-hearted and being there for each other, but also an excellent opportunity to promote mental health in our care homes.

Cumbernauld Care’s Christmas Tree.

When the big day arrived, one resident from each home stepped up to present their favourite decoration during our big online meet-up. They shared stories about their inspiration and the process of creating each ornament. John from Brierfield summed it up beautifully when he described their decoration as “enchanting.”

After the presentations, each home’s representative thoughtfully gave their score – what a wonderful example of us enhancing social connections in our care homes. There was such a wonderful mix of excitement and friendly competition, with everyone focused on the task in hand.

When the votes were counted, Ladyville Lodge Care Home and Brierfield House Care Home were announced as joint winners, proudly receiving their trophy​.  

This elderly engagement activity initiative brought so much happiness to everyone involved. It was a celebration of community, from working together to add personal touches to our living spaces to sparking creativity and conversation through the physical activity for the elderly. We are already looking for ways to continue strengthening the bonds between our Care Homes. We can’t wait for more creativity, laughter and opportunities to bring our communities even closer together.

Bring on our Easter Competition! May the best bonnet win…


Josh’s Inspiring Journey into Care


Bringing the Joy of Ponies to our Scottish Homes