Gold Standard Care at The Abbeys Care Home

The Abbeys Care Home in Rotherham has been recognised with the Gold Standard Hydration Certificate, making it the only accredited care home in South Yorkshire. It’s a fantastic achievement and one the whole team is incredibly proud of. Hydration has been a real focus over the past two years and this award is a testament to the commitment, teamwork and simple but effective changes that have made a real difference to residents' wellbeing.

Hydration Champion, Maxine and Chef Mark at the famous Hydration Station.

The initiative is part of an NHS-led project, based on research showing that older people in care homes are ten times more likely to be dehydrated when admitted to hospital than those living at home. Dehydration can lead to falls, confusion and hospital stays, but the right approach reduces those risks. Care homes involved in the project have already seen fewer GP visits, fewer hospital admissions and better overall wellbeing for residents and The Abbeys is leading the way.

The whole team has played a part in making hydration a big part of daily life. Deputy Manager Maxine has led the way as Hydration Champion and ensures fresh drinks are always available. Hydration stations are set up on every floor and the Jolly Trolley moves between them, providing residents with a wonderful selection of drinks and snacks throughout the day. Chef Mark has been preparing fruit and jelly platters, while Wellbeing Lead Tracey has worked with the kitchen team to introduce a daily smoothie menu, giving residents more ways to enjoy staying hydrated. Residents at The Abbeys have also had a big part to play in this initiative, taking part in regular hydration-focused activities with mocktail-making sessions the biggest hit to date!

Two years ago, The Abbeys was invited to take part in this initiative. Now, it has achieved the highest score of any care home in Rotherham. The home is also working closely with local GPs as part of an NHS-led programme to improve how UTIs are monitored, helping to catch problems earlier and reduce hospital visits.

This is a fantastic example of how small, thoughtful changes can have a real impact when everyone is there for one another. Hydration is now second nature at The Abbeys, woven into daily life in a way that feels simple but that makes such a difference. We are so proud of not only our fantastic team at The Abbeys, but our amazing residents, who have fully embraced this new initiative and would love to help make you one of their special drinks when you visit the home next - just ask for the menu!

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