Welcome to Each Other Care

Our whistleblowing service

Why do we offer this service?

Each Other Care recognise that our team members have a duty of care, moral and legal obligations to report all incidents where they consider vulnerable adults or team members to have been harmed, or are at serious risk of being injured or harmed in the course of your work.

We consider that these obligations to report such incidents, which include suspected breaches of the care service or other employee professional codes of conduct, override any other considerations such as loyalty.

Any team member who witnesses or suspects abuse or acts of harm, whether intentionally or unintentionally, should report the matter without delay to their line manager or home manager. The manager will accept responsibility for the actions that follow and will assure the “whistleblower” that they have acted correctly by reporting the matter, will not be victimised and their confidentiality assured unless there are overriding, eg legal reasons for disclosing their identity.

Each Other Care accept that there may be occasions when the team member does not feel confident or able to report in the first instance to the manager. In these circumstances, it is recognised that the “whistleblower” might need to take their concerns to a more senior manager or the company owners. At Each Other Care, these contacts are:

Head of Care and Quality: Annemarie Stringer

Co-owners: Fie Mogelberg and Peter Mogelberg Hansen

If these options aren’t viable, we offer this internal whistleblowing service.

Please use the form below to report issues or concerns. Please be assured that all reports are anonymous.