Mandatory Vaccination, Our Position
Each Other Care - Our Position on Mandatory Vaccination Within the Care Sector
Each Other Care and its care homes across England are in full agreement with government proposals around mandatory COVID19 vaccination for anyone working within the care sector. We are working with our team members to ensure anyone who has not already been vaccinated have the information and access to do so before it becomes law. As an employer in the care sector, we will no longer take on new employees who do not show proof of vaccination (2 doses) or proof of exemption status. Once the new law comes into force anyone within our employment who has not been vaccinated or fails to show proof of exemption will be re-deployed away from the frontline or after consultation, it may be necessary to terminate their employment with our company. Vaccination levels within the teams across our homes are already extremely high, and far higher than the UK Government’s reported statistics. We are committed to ensuring 100% vaccination of our team by October 2021 as we look to make resident and employee safety our top priority.
Should you have any questions about our position on mandatory vaccination of care workers please email