Carol Finds Her Voice at Music Club in Forfar

At Benholm, we attend regular Music Clubs and encourage our residents to enjoy the music any way they wish, whether this means listening along contently, tapping their feet to the beat or singing with the group. Songs we know and love fill the lounge and every so often, we’re reminded of how simply listening to the familiar sounds of a favourite song can create the most special moments.

Carol primarily communicates through sign and body language and during Music Club, she sits happily in her usual spot, enjoying the music. This week was no different, she sat smiling, listening as each track passed by. But then Doris Day’s “Que Sera, Sera” began to play. For the first time in a long while, we heard Carol’s beautiful singing voice as she started to sing along, filling the room with warmth and joy.

Carol enjoying Music Club.

Moments like these capture the essence of what our Music Clubs offers - the safe space for our residents to express themselves in their own way. Carol felt comfortable; she felt at ease in a familiar setting, surrounded by friends. Something in that moment of comfort took her back to her youth, of good times spent listening to Doris Day. We are so grateful to Carol for sharing a glimpse into her past, brought to life through the joy of music.

These moments reflect our values at Each Other Care. Carol’s comfort and connection with the familiar setting show how we are there for each other, creating a positive space where residents feel safe to express themselves. We are committed to providing an environment where residents can feel at peace, just as Carol did that day. And if you were to ask if we thought Carol will sing again? We’d answer, que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be.


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